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All About Djinns
Who are the jinn?

The jinn are among the creatures that God created.God created angels, jinn, mankind, animals, plants and others. Jinn have some qualities like human beings. These qualities are intellect, discrimination, freedom, and the power to choose between right and wrong, between true and false, as well as between good and bad.

When were the jinn created?

Jinn was created before human was created. Both were created in heaven and lived in paradise.

Do Jinn Exists?

The jinn does exist, and there is a purpose for their existence in this life.
The world of the jinn is an independent and separate world, with its own distinct nature and features that are hidden from the world of humans. Jinns and humans have some things in common, such as the possession of understanding and the choice between the way of good and the way of evil. The word jinn comes from an Arabic root meaning "hidden from sight".
"The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from fire, and Aadam was created from that which has been described to you."
They were originally made from fire and then molded and shaped in the form and shape that God wanted them to be.

Do jinn have bodies?

Yes and no! It depends upon the information that one has. One group of scholars believe that jinn do not have bodies of their own. They also do not inhabit bodies of other creatures. However, they do exist independently by themselves. Therefore, they do not know how they exist without bodies: smoke, flame, fire or what?
The other group of scholars do believe that jinn do have bodies either definite or subtle. If their bodies are definite then they have some density; otherwise, if they are subtle, then they are so fine that our weak eyes cannot see them.Even if they are subtle they should have weight and density similar to that of the air itself.

Do jinn die or marry?

Yes. Jinn do die. As long as they are creatures created by Almighty, they should die. They are creatures that marry, produce children, eat, drink, and die like all other creatures in the universe.Jinn do marry and they do have children. The way they marry is not known to us yet.

Types Of Jinns

There are different types of jinn. Among them are some who can take on different forms, such as dogs and snakes; some who are like flying winds with wings; and some who can travel and rest.
'The jinn are of three types: a types that has wings, and they fly through the air; a type that looks like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey."
Jinn also have animals or beasts of their own

We all have a Jinn Companion

Every individual has a jinn who has been appointed to be his constant companion.A hadeeth contains a reference to the warning against the fitnah (temptation, trial) and whispers of the qareen (constant companion from among the jinn).We have to know that he is with us so we should beware of him as much as possible.

Their Powers

Jinn has powers that humans do not have,such as the ability to move and travel quickly.An 'ifreet from among the jinn guaranteed to the Prophet Sulaymaan, that he would bring the throne of the Queen of Yemen to Jerusalem in a moment faster than that needed for a man to get up from where he was sitting.

The food and drink of the Jinn

The jinn eat and drink.Every bone that comes into their possession,serves as their meat, and all the droppings serves as food for their animals.So these things are the food and provision of jinn.So.humans should not use these things.

The dwelling-places of the jinn

They live all over the planet earth.The jinn live on this earth where we do. However, there are special places that one may find them in abundance and on a regular basis. These are deserts, ruins, places of impurities such as dunghills,unclean places like bathrooms,garbage dumps and graveyards. They live in houses of human beings too.Hence take precautions when entering such places.
Khubuth is the plural of khabeeth (evil or dirty - masculine form), and khabaa'ith is the plural of khabeethah (evil or dirty - feminine form), and that what is meant is male and female shayaateen.

Do the jinn feel envy of us?

Yes. There are two types of evil eye: human and the jinn. There are precation to stay protected from the evil eyes of both the jinn and mankind.

Does animals see jinn and angels?

Yes. Animals do see angels and shaitan. When a rooster sees an angel, it starts crowing. However, when a donkey starts braying it is seeing a jinn

The First Muslim Jinns

Some jinn accepted Islam, while others refused. Those who refused have deviated, and developed for themselves different methods, different ways of life, and different religions, sects and denominations.
Hence,some jinn are Muslims, and some are al-qaasitoon (disbelievers ).The Muslims among the jinn are of different levels as regards righteousness and taqwa.
"[Some jinn said:] 'There are among us some that are righteous, and some the contrary; we are groups, each having a different way (religious sects, etc.)'"
The story of how the first jinns of this ummah became Muslims was narrated by 'Abd-Allaah ibn 'Abbaas, who said: "The Prophet ,went out with a group of his Companions heading for the marketplace of 'Ukaaz. This was when the shayaateen were prevented from getting any news from heaven, and shooting stars had been sent against them. The shayaateen went back to their people, who said, 'What is the matter with you?' They said, 'We cannot get news from heaven, and shooting stars were sent against us.' Their people said, 'Nothing is stopping you from hearing news from heaven except some new event that must have happened. Go and look in the east and the west of the earth, and see if you can find out what it is that is stopping you from hearing news from heaven.' Those who went out in the direction of Tihaamah came upon the Prophet in Nakhlah, when he was on his way to 'Ukaaz, and found him leading his Companions in Fajr prayer. When they heard the prayers, they listened to it and said, 'By Allaah, this is what is stopping us from hearing news from heaven.' When they went back to their people, they said, 'O our people, we have heard a wonderful Recital.It guides to the Right Path, and we have believed therein, and we shall never join (in worship) anything with our Lord.

Their reckoning on the Day of Resurrection

It is believed that the jinn will be called to account on the day of Resurrection as well.

Jinns and their Activities

Throughout history man has always had a deep attraction for the supernatural and the unseen. The existence of a world parallel to our own has always fascinated people. This world is commonly referred to as the spirit world, and almost every set of people have some concept of one. With some people, these spirits are no more then the souls of dead people- or ghosts. With others, spirits are either the forces of good or the forces of evil - both battling against one another to gain influence over humanity. However, both of these explanations are more in tune with folk tales and fantasy.Whereas it is important to know the true knowledge of jinn that really exists.


The Jinn are beings created with free will, living on earth in a world parallel to mankind. The Arabic word Jinn is from the verb 'Janna' which means to hide or conceal. Thus, they are physically invisible from man as their description suggests. This invisibility is one of the reasons why some people have denied their existence. However, (as will be seen) the affect which the world of the Jinn has upon our world, is enough to refute this modem denial of one of God's creation.The Jinn were created before man.
"The Angels were created from light and the Jinn from smokeless fire". Because they were created from fire, their nature has generally been fiery and thus their relationship with man has been built upon this.
Jinns can be Muslims or non-Muslims. However, due to their fiery nature the majority of them are non-Muslims. All these non-Muslim Jinns form a part of the army of the most famous Jinn, Iblis- the Shaytan.Consequently, these disbelieving Jinns are also called Shaytans (devils). As for the Jinns who become Muslims, then the first of them did so in the time of the Prophet when a group of them were amazed by the recitation of the Qur'an.
In many aspects of their world, the Jinn are very similar to us. They eat and drink, they marry, have children and they die. The life span however, is far greater then ours. Like us, they will also be subject to a Final Reckoning.They will be present with mankind on the Day of Judgement and will either go to Paradise or Hell.


That which clearly distinguishes the Jinn from mankind, are their powers and abilities.They are endowded with special powers.If they oppress others with them, then they will be held accountable. By knowing of their powers, we can often make sense of much of the mysteries which go on around us. One of the powers of the Jinn, is that they are able to take on any physical form they like. Thus, they can appear as humans, animals trees and anything else.Thousands of people have sighted strange looking creatures all over the world.It seems more plausible all the sightings of such creatures were just Jinns parading in different forms. So the next time you see something that looks like E.T, its most probably just a wicked Jinn trying to scare and confuse you!
The ability to possess and take over the minds and bodies of other creatures is also a power which the Jinn have utilised greatly over the centuries. This however, is something which has been prohibited to them as it is a great oppression to possess another being. Human possession is something which has always brought about great attention. But the true knowledge of this subject is rare amongst the people.
Jinns possess people for many reasons. Sometimes it is because the Jinn or its family has been hurt accidentally. It could be because the Jinn has fallen in love with the person. However, most of the time possession occurs because the Jinn is simply malicious and wicked.For this reason do not loiter in those places where the Jinns reside, e.g. graveyards, ruins, deserts, market places etc
If a person does become possessed, then the name of Allah has to be used in expelling the Jinn ( as some of the jinns are muslim ).There are many duas (supplications) to exorcise the Jinn. All these duas invoke Allah to help the possessed person. How contrary this is to many modern-day exorcists. Many exorcists, Muslim and non-Muslim, often invoke the names of others besides Allah to exorcise the Jinn.When the Jinn does leave, these people believe that their way was successful. However, this is a ploy of the Jinn, as it knows that if it obeys the exorcist, then it has succeeded in making him worship others besides Allah i.e. commit shirk. The Jinn often returns when the exorcist leaves, as it knows that nothing except the words of Allah can stop it from oppressing others.However if the jinn is not muslim,then invoking name of allah wont suffice as this works only if the jinn is a muslim jinn.A muslim jinn fears allah,others donot.
It is not only humans which are possessed, but also animals, trees and other objects.

The Occult

Through their powers of flying and invisibility, the Jinn are the chief component in occult activities. Voodoo, Black magic, Poltergeists, Witchcraft and Mediums can all be explained through the world of the Jinn. Likewise, so can the illusions and feats of magicians. Because the Jinn can traverse huge distances over a matter of seconds, their value to magicians is great. In return for helping them in their magic, the Jinns often ask for the magicians to sell their souls to them and even to Iblis. Thus the magicians take the Jinn and Iblis as lords.One of the most frequent activities associated with the Jinn, is fortune telling. These people would use their associates from the Jinn to find out about the future. The Jinns would go to the lowest heaven and listen to the Angels conversing amongst themselves about events of the Future.The Jinns would then inform the fortune-tellers. This is why before the time of the Prophet many fortune-tellers were very accurate in their predictions.
Fortune-tellers also operate through the Qareen. The Qareen is the Jinn companion which is assigned to every human being. It is this Jinn which whispers to our base desires and constantly tries to divert us from righteousness.
The effects of the Jinn are not just limited to fortune-tellers. Other activities such as oujia boards and seances, which are used to contact the dead, are manipulated by the Jinn.

One of the biggest manipulations of the Jinn is through visions.When a person sees a vision in front of his eyes it is something which is very hard to explain away.
The world of the Jinn is one which is both sinister and intriguing. By knowing of this world we can explain many of the mysteries and issues which bother us. By doing this we can avoid the extremes which the people have gone to.

Can a Jinn Harm Human?

With regard to the jinn harming humans, this is proven to happen and it does happen.
"Undoubtedly the jinn can have a harmful effect on humans, and they could even kill them. They may harm a person by throwing stones at him, or by trying to terrify him, and other things that are proven and indicated by real events.
Jinn may attack humans, and that they may harm them, as is known from real-life events. There are numerous reports which indicate that a man may come to a deserted area, and a stone may be thrown at him, but he does not see anybody, or he may hear voices or a rustling sound like the rustling of trees, and other things that may make him feel distressed and scared. A jinn may also enter the body of a human, either because of love or with the intention of harming him, or for some other reason.
"Exorcism in Islam consists of readings of the holy Koran and invocations accompanied by holy water (water over which the holy Koran has been read).
"The exorcist voices his readings while the patient in front of him remains unrestrained. The patient is a completely normal person, except he has been exposed to aspects of possession, which can often manifest physically or psychically.
Signs of possession
"He can live normally, go to work and study, but occasionally he falls into a kind of hysteria where paranormal phenomena manifest, including: speaking in a voice other than his; episodes of contractions and seizures; demonstrations of abnormal strength; telekinetic effects on near and distant objects.
"Having recognized these signs, which reveal a case of possession, the person or his family introduces the patient to an exorcist who can attempt to help the patient.
"There are the other signs in the patient that the exorcist recognizes as those of possible possession: migraines; insomnia; depression; dreams of wolves, dogs, blood, massacre or falling endlessly into a vacuum; physical reports of awakening the night with visions; feelings of a presence in the room or the bed; skin lesions; failure in work, studies or marriage, etc.

Power of the Djinn
"These people can suffer from harassment by these Djinns [Islamic demons], who attack them with a specific goal and for a specific cause. The Djinn's goal is to destroy the person's life and all that is good about it. One can say that the Djinn acts like a 'parasite' in order to destabilize his victim. Satan (Ibliss) is the master of demons, of the Djinns and of men who are devoted to him (even without them knowing it). They act for him. They mislead men in order to drive them to misfortune and even suicide.
In such cases, the jinn may speak from inside of that person and address the one who is reading verses from the Qur'aan or an Ojha!"The exorcist does nothing but deliver these people with readings of the holy Koran and invocations in order to drive out these presences the patient's life or residence.The reciter may take a promise from the jinn never to come back, and other things concerning which there are very many reports which are widespread among the people.
The exorcist offers these choices to the demon: to leave the body of the person, to become Moslem, or to die flaring inside the body."

Jinn (Arabic: جن‎ ǧinn, singular جني ǧinnī ; variant spelling djinn) or genies are supernatural creatures in Arab folklore and Islamic teachings that occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. Together, jinn, humans and angels make up the three sentient creations of Allah. Religious sources say barely anything about them; however, the Qur'an mentions that Jinn are made of smokeless flame or "scorching fire".Like human beings, the Jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent.

The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur'an, and there is a surah entitled Sūrat al-Jinn in the Qur'an. In many modern cultures, a Genie is portrayed as a magical being that grants wishes. The earliest of such Jinn stories in folklore originate in the book of the One Thousand and One Nights.

Etymology and definitions

Jinn is a word of the collective number in Arabic, derived from the Arabic root ǧ-n-n meaning 'to hide' or 'be hidden'. Other words derived from this root are maǧnūn 'mad' (literally, 'one whose intellect is hidden'), ǧunūn 'madness', and ǧanīn 'embryo, fetus' ('hidden inside the womb').
The Arabic root ǧ-n-n means 'to hide, conceal'. A word for garden or Paradise, جنّة ǧannah, is a cognate of the Hebrew word גן gan 'garden', derived from the same Semitic root. In arid climates, gardens have to be protected against desertification by walls; this is the same concept as in the word "paradise" from pairi-daêza, an Avestan word for garden that literally means 'having walls built around'. Thus the protection of a garden behind walls implies its being hidden from the outside. Arabic lexicons such as Edward William Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon define ǧinn not only as spirits, but also anything concealed through time, status, and even physical darkness.
The word genie in English is derived from Latin genius, which meant a sort of tutelary or guardian spirit thought to be assigned to each person at their birth. English borrowed the French descendant of this word, génie; its earliest written attestation in English, in 1655, is a plural spelled "genyes." The French translators of The Book of One Thousand and One Nights used génie as a translation of jinnī because it was similar to the Arabic word in sound and in meaning. This use was also adopted in English and has since become dominant.
Many cultural interpretations noted the Jinn as having distinct male and females, they would often appear wearing vests and sashes, various interpretations note that they tied their hair long vertically and most probably had some or no facial hair. According to various stories Jinn could exist independently or bound to any particular object.
In Arabic, the word ǧinn is in the collective number, translated in English as plural (e.g., "several genies"); ǧinnī is in the singulative number, used to refer to one individual, which is translated by the singular in English (e.g., "one genie"). Therefore, the word 'jinn' in English writing is treated as a plural.

Jinn in the pre-Islamic era

Amongst archaeologists dealing with ancient Middle Eastern cultures, any spirit lesser than angels is often referred to as a jinni, especially when describing stone carvings or other forms of art.
Inscriptions found in Northwestern Arabia seem to indicate the worship of jinn, or at least their tributary status. For instance, an inscription from Beth Fasi'el near Palmyra pays tribute to the "Jinnaye", the "good and rewarding gods".
In the following verse, the Qur'an rejects the worship of jinn and stresses that only God should be worshiped:
"Yet they make the jinn equals with Allah, though Allah did create the jinn; and they falsely, having no knowledge, attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (for He is) above what they attribute to Him!" (Qur'an 6:100)
In the One Thousand and One Nights the types of Jinn are known to co exist with Humans, šayṭān, the Ghoul, the Marid, the Ifrit, and the Angels. According to the One Thousand and One Nights, Ifrits seem to be the most massive and strongest forms of Jinn and Marids are a type of Jinn associated with seas and oceans.

Jinn in Islam

In Islamic theology jinn are said to be creatures with free will, made from smokeless fire by Allah as humans were made of clay, among other things.
According to the Qur'an, jinn have free will, and ʾIblīs abused this freedom in front of Allah by refusing to bow to Adam when Allah ordered angels and jinn to do so. For disobeying Allah, he was expelled from Paradise and called "Šayṭān" (Satan). Jinn are frequently mentioned in the Qur'an: Surah 72 (named Sūrat al-Jinn) is named after the jinn, and has a passage about them. Another surah (Sūrat al-Nās) mentions jinn in the last verse.The Qur'an also mentions that Muhammad was sent as a prophet to both "humanity and the jinn," and that prophets and messengers were sent to both communities.
Similar to humans, jinn have free will allowing them to do as they choose (such as follow any religion). They are usually invisible to humans, and humans do not appear clearly to them. Jinn have the power to travel large distances at extreme speeds and are thought to live in remote areas, mountains, seas, trees, and the air, in their own communities. Like humans, jinn will also be judged on the Day of Judgment and will be sent to Paradise or Hell according to their deeds.

Classifications and characteristics

The social organization of the jinn community resembles that of humans; e.g., they have kings, courts of law, weddings, and mourning rituals. A few traditions (hadith), divide jinn into three classes: those who have wings and fly in the air, those who resemble snakes and dogs, and those who travel about ceaselessly.Other reports claim that ‘Abd Allāh ibn Mas‘ūd (d. 652), who was accompanying Muhammad when the jinn came to hear his recitation of the Qur’an, described them as creatures of different forms; some resembling vultures and snakes, others tall men in white garb.They may even appear as dragons, onagers, or a number of other animals.In addition to their animal forms, the jinn occasionally assume human form to mislead and destroy their human victims.Certain hadiths have also claimed that the jinn may subsist on bones, which will grow flesh again as soon as they touch them, and that their animals may live on dung, which will revert to grain or grass for the use of the jinn flocks.
Ibn Taymiyyah believed the jinn were generally "ignorant, untruthful, oppressive and treacherous,"thus representing the very strict interpretations adhered by the Salafi schools of thought.
Ibn Taymiyyah believes that the jinn account for much of the "magic" perceived by humans, cooperating with magicians to lift items in the air unseen, delivering hidden truths to fortune tellers, and mimicking the voices of deceased humans during seances.


A related belief is that every person is assigned one's own special jinnī, also called a qarīn, of the jinn that whisper to people's souls and tell them to submit to evil desires.The notion of a qarīn is not universally accepted amongst all Muslims, but it is generally accepted that Šayṭān whispers in human minds, and he is assigned to each human being.The jinn were made to serve Allah, though ʾIblīs is amongst them.

Jinn in Muslim cultures

A manuscript of the One Thousand and One Nights.

The stories of the Jinn can be found in various Muslim cultures around the world. In Morocco, Jinn are believed to grant three magical wishes. In Sindh the concept of the Jinni was introduced during the Abbasid Era and has become a common part of the local folklore which also includes stories of both male Jinn called "Jinn" and female Jinn called "Jiniri". Folk stories of female Jinni include stories such as the Jejhal Jiniri.
More acclaimed stories of the Jinn can be found in the One Thousand and One Nights story of the Fisherman and the Jinni; more than three different types of Jinn are described in the story of Maruf the Cobbler; a mighty Jinni helps young Aladdin in the story of Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp; as Hassan Badr ad-Din weeps over the grave of his father until sleep overcomes him he is awoken by a large group of sympathetic Jinni in the Tale of Ali Nur ad-Din and his son Badr ad-Din Hassan.
During the Rwandan genocide both Hutus and Tutsi avoided searching in local Rwandan Muslim neighborhoods and widely believed myths that local Muslims and Mosques were protected by the power of Islamic magic and the efficacious Jinn. In Cyangugu, arsonists ran away instead of destroying the Mosque because they believed Jinn were guarding the Mosque and feared their wrath.

Relationship of King Solomon and the genies

Main article: Islamic view of Solomon

According to traditions, the jinn stood behind the learned humans in Solomon's court, who in turn, sat behind the prophets. The jinn remained in the service of Solomon, who had placed them in bondage, and had ordered them to perform a number of tasks.
"...and there were jinn that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord," (Qur'an 32:12)
"And before Solomon were marshalled his hosts,- of jinn and men and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks." (Quran 27:17)
The Qur'an relates that Solomon died while he was leaning on his staff. As he remained upright, propped on his staff, the jinn thought he was still alive and supervising them, so they continued to work. They realized the truth only when Allah sent a creature to crawl out of the ground and gnaw at Solomon's staff until his body collapsed. The Qur'an then comments that if they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating torment of being enslaved.
"Then, when We decreed (Solomon's) death, nothing showed them his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his staff: so when he fell down, the jinn saw plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in the humiliating Penalty (of their Task)." Qur'an 34:14)

Existence and usage of jinn in other cultures

Genie in Legoland

In Guanche mythology from Tenerife in the Canary Islands, there existed the belief in beings that are similar to genies[improper synthesis?], such as the maxios or dioses paredros ('attendant gods', domestic and nature spirits) and tibicenas (evil genies), as well as the demon Guayota (aboriginal god of evil) that, like the Arabic ʾIblīs, is sometimes identified with a genie.

Jinn in the Bible

In Judeo-Christian tradition, the word or concept of jinn as such does not occur in the original Hebrew text of the Bible, but the Arabic word ǧinn is often used in several old Arabic translations.
In several verses in those Arabic translations, the words: Jinn (جن) Jann (الجان al-Ǧān) Majnoon (مجنون Maǧnūn) and ʾIblīs (إبلیس) are mentioned as translations of familiar spirit or אוב (ob) for Jann and the devil or δαιμόνιον (daimónion) for ʾIblīs.
In Van Dyck's Arabic translation of the Bible, these words are mentioned in Leviticus 19:31, Lev 20:6, 1 Samuel 28:3, 1 Sa 28:9, 1 Sa 28:7, 1 Chronicles 10:13, Gospel of Matthew 4:1, Mat 12:22, Gospel of Luke 4:5, Luk 8:12, Gospel of John 8:44 and other verses[citation needed] as well. Also, in the apocryphal book Testament of Solomon, Solomon describes particular demons whom he enslaved to help build the temple, the questions he put to them about their deeds and how they could be thwarted, and their answers, which provide a kind of self-help manual against demonic activity.