By actively participating in the paranormal (ie: investigating, ganzfeld experiment) or the occult (ie seances, ouija boards) you open yourself up more spiritually and make it easier for spirits to “notice” you. Can spirits see when you open up to them?
There should be a concern and a respect for these methods and devices because they have the potential to be powerful tools.
Investigating the paranormal is entering into a new lifestyle in general. Your awareness of the unknown is heightened. Now are spirits really following you, or are you senses heightened to the point where anything that moves is a shadow/ghost/spirit? You know it’s there, and there seem to be an extra eye open and you notice your surroundings in greater detail than you did before you began investigating. When you start investigating, especially going against more malevolent beings, it is possible that they will notice you and know who you are. When you approach an investigation and you ask for communication with spirits, they know who you are. Many investigators do a protection ritual and make it very clear that they cannot harm or follow them.
The Ganzfeld Experiment is a fascinating element of parapsychology. Does the Ganzfeld Experiment open yourself up to experience things you couldn’t in your everyday life? Maybe it does. Does it permanently leave you vulnerable to psychic and spiritual phenomenon? It has the potential. Does participating in this leave a permanent bullseye for any spirit to notice you and possibly go after you? Its always better to consult someone who knows more about it than you.
When it comes to things like seances and ouija boards, that is another ballgame. When investigating, you are asking for communication. And with seances and ouija boards you are requesting communication. It’s a fine line, and there is a difference. Seances come in many forms. Seance comes from the French term, “sitting” or “seat” and rose in popularity when Spiritualism broke out. There is something to be said sitting in a circle with other people trying to communicate with spirits, especially through a medium. And with ouija boards, it can be quite tricky. There are many incidents where people have experienced too many negative things tied with a ouija board, especially when it comes to the disposal of one (always bury, never burn). Ouija boards are typically associated with bringing in an inhuman spirit. It is ironic that ouija boards are sold in toy stores and made by Milton Bradley. There are also ouija board necklaces being sold. Paranormal investigating or “ghost hunting” is already seen as a novelty as it is. Technically you don’t even need to buy a ouija board, you can draw a board on a piece of paper or napkin and go from there. It’s that simple. There is a possibility that these things can do potential harm.Wearing a necklace with a ouija board shouldn’t be a fashion accessory or seen as cute. That could open you up for potentially negative activity as well.
Before using a ouija board you need protection which is very important. There is a fine line between not protecting yourself and building a wall so thick that you cut yourself off from any activity.
When you decide to investigate the paranormal, you need to make sure you do what you can to stay safe while still allowing yourself to experience activity ( for purposes of collecting evidence and documentation). And protecting yourself not only during an investigation but during your normal everyday life.